There is a kind of worship that’s not acceptable to God. And that’s one offered without a clear conscience. Needless to say, any service rendered unto God without being in the right Spiritual Posture will most likely not deliver the desired outcome.

Unfortunately, finding genuine worshipers nowadays is proving to be increasingly difficult (2 Timothy 3:1-5). This can be attributed to the fact that:

  • Commitment to worship God is increasingly being driven by ungodly motives. And even when there’s an incentive to worship God, the sense of entitlement to a reward quickly erases the blessings that would otherwise have followed.

Regrettably, this behaviour has shortchanged many Christians in their quest to worship God.


Nevertheless the foundation of God stands, having this seal: “The Lord knows those who are His,” and, “Let everyone who names the name of Christ depart from iniquity. (2 Timothy 2:19).

Interestingly, the standard of God for acceptable worship has not changed thus:

  • God is a Spirit: The precondition for accessing His presence is a combination of Holiness and a true intent to worship.
  • He knows those who are His: God is able to search the heart of every worshiper to unravel the intent thereof.
  • His ways are not ours: God doesn’t deal with us in the same way we deal with our human counterparts. For example, He decides when to reward and in what measure, but only on His own terms — He can’t be swayed.


There are keys to acceptable worship that must be explored by Christians each time we come before God. They have proven to be timeless and include virtues such as:

  • Faith: This is the first and foremost key required to gain ascendancy in worship. It is trusting that there’s a God who alone is worthy of our worship (Hebrews 11:6).
  • Holiness: God is Holy. It therefore follows that absolute purity is required to access His presence (Psalm 24:3-4).
  • Persistence: This demonstrates to God how determined we are in invoking the blessings that accompany acceptable worship (Ephesians 6:18).

Make your worship acceptable to God today.