Rest for one’s soul is such a vital state of the mind that ought to be desired by every human being. Interestingly, the secret to attaining rest for one’s soul is more spiritual than physical. That is, it is possible to be in a physical state of affluence yet without rest for the soul. This then raises the question: where does rest come from?
In a spiritual sense, genuine rest comes when a person finds purpose in God. Such a state is characterized by the realization of the plans of God concerning that person. So, until we get to that realization, it may become impossible to attain rest for the soul in our lifetime.
Interestingly, the absence of divine rest explains why a number of “accomplished people” on earth still feel a sense of gaping void within. There’s more to attaining rest for the soul (Luke 12:15).
In order to find genuine rest for one’s soul, it is important to understand the true source of rest.
The Bible narrates a story of a woman of faith who struggled to find rest for her soul at some stage of her life. Hannah had a great marriage — she was well loved and cared for by her husband — but she still had a gaping void in her life due to childlessness and that deeply troubled her (1 Samuel 1:1-10).
But Hannah found courage to access rest for her soul by learning to lay her burden on God — and Hannah prayed … (1 Samuel 1:10-11)
Hannah’s actions no doubt elucidates the first step to accessing genuine rest for one’s soul i.e. she sought to involve God in her restless situation while acknowledging Him as the only true source of rest.
Taking a cue from Hannah, the following steps are necessary to finding divine rest for one’s soul:
- We must have faith in God’s ability to grant rest for our restlessness (1 John 5:14).
- We must be persistent in our quest to find rest in God (1 Thessalonians 5:17). Hannah visited Shiloh each year to pray about her childless situation.
- We must do what is required to get God’s attention and that includes making a vow to God and fulfilling the same (Ecclesiastes 5:4-6).
So, Hannah found rest through divine assistance and lived a life of fulfillment thereafter.
Beloved, you too can find rest for your soul this new year if you take your burdens to Jesus Christ (Matthew 11:28-30).