Waiting for the promise of God to come to fruition isn’t often a very pleasant experience. And that’s because God doesn’t work according to our timelines. This understanding is very important for the Believer otherwise the temptation to conclude that God isn’t real or perhaps He is too slow to act will linger in us.
According to 1 Peter 3:9, God isn’t really being slow about delivering on His promise, as some people think. Rather, the scripture reminds us that God is only being patient because He loves us and doesn’t want us to be destroyed by His blessing (Proverbs 10:22).
For example, Abraham was 75 years old when God promised to make him into a great nation (Genesis 12:1-3). But it wasn’t until He was 100 years old that the covenant seed, Isaac was born (Genesis 21:1-3).
There’s always something God wants us to learn through the waiting experience regardless of the duration. For some people, fathoming God’s intent can be quite easy, but for others, it may not be the case.
Unfortunately, until we’ve fully understood God’s mind through the waiting period, our blessing may be delayed. So, it is vital that we do the following (for example) while we wait on God:
- Understand the purpose of God for our waiting. Spending moments of separation with God is key.
- Find the version of ourselves that’s ready for the blessing. Unfortunately, until the vessel is ready to receive, God will not pour out His blessing.
- Don’t put our lives on hold while we wait. Fulfill other life ambitions as the Lord gives us strength to do so.
While we wait on God for our blessing to come to fruition, its important to always remain resolute and not to seek alternate pathways for our blessings (Habakkuk 2:2-3).
The Scripture reminds us yet again that every good and perfect gift comes only from God (James 1:17). Therefore, if we’re to receive God’s promise, it’s important to acknowledge Him as the only true source of all breakthroughs in life.
No doubt there will be moments when we feel discouraged and tempted to seek alternatives outside of God. When faced with such difficult moments, it’s imperative to anchor our faith on Jesus Christ who has given the promise and learn to wait patiently on God just like Abraham did (Hebrews 6:15).