“And Adam said, This is now bone of my bones, and flesh of my flesh: she shall be called Woman, because she was taken out of Man.” — Genesis 2:21-23

The Scripture establishes, the man as the origin of the woman. This is quite profound in a number of ways (for example):

  • It places a huge sense of responsibility on the man to protect and care for the woman always.
  • In the same vein, the woman has to transfer the care and affection to her offspring.

This is important so as to preserve the natural order of love and affection which emanates directly from God (I John 4:19).

Consequently the role of the woman in helping to incubate and shape her children to love cannot be overstated.


Though the woman is created to love in the same vein as the man, there’s something quite intriguing about the way the woman loves.

Taking a cue from the virtuous woman of Proverbs 31:10-31, there are a few dimensions of a woman’s love worth mentioning:

  • Her love creates trust: The woman’s love brings trust to her husband, family and the society at large.
  • Her love pushes her to make great sacrifices: She goes to great lengths to ensure that the goals of her family are met, not minding the sacrifices along the way.
  • Her love brings honour: She’s always quick to help cover the inadequacies of her family and those around her by making them feel honoured even when the situation isn’t perfect.


No doubt the role of the loving woman in the times that we live in can’t be overemphasized.

God requires deep partnership with the loving woman in order to realise His agenda on the earth such as:

  • Procreation (Genesis 1:28): It requires the loving woman to submit to God’s plan to fill the earth through producing Godly offspring.
  • Peace on the earth (Luke 2:14): It requires the special love of the woman to build a peaceful home that would benefit the society at large.
  • Salvation (John 3:16): It was love that drove God to give Jesus Christ for the salvation of mankind. It therefore requires the special love of the woman to reach out to lost souls.